Sunday, July 03, 2011

Happy July 4th cupcakes

Today  I felt like making cupcakes an I had a great idea to do red white and blue so I went to Shaw's got a box of vanilla cake mix, vanilla frosting, flag tooth picks and jimmies. Below you will see pictures of them in the making an dam they did come out pretty good I may say so myself hahaha

I put the cake batter in 3 different bowls then put food coloring in them to get the colors I needed
make the cake mix as the box says , then you will need to put a table spoon of each color in the cupcake cups ( i didn't take a picture of that sorry)

Here they are right out of the over, now you have to let them cool off for a little

Then I did the same to the frosting as you can see from the above picture

here's a sneak peek of the inside pretty cool

Happy July 4th !!!!

They look so yummy !!! plus they where a hit at the BBQ

Hope you all have a Great 4th

xoxo Nicole

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